Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Neglected Blog Needs a Post!

BUT I've not finished anything! AAAAAAH! (I've been this crazy all day, just so you know.)

So I'm putting up a WIP and planning post... I know it's not as exciting as when I post about how I messed up on my socks and finished them anyways, but you know... I haven't been all that successfully motivated with the knitting. WELL, that's not true, I've just been tackling bigger projects.

Big Project #1:
Remember how I won the Malabrigo Rios in the naming contest? No? Oh yea, blog has been neglected. Sigh. Well I didn't get the winning name, but I won 10 skein of the yarn in a beautiful color.
Then the question became, well I won awesome, What am I going to do with 10 skein of yarn? Solution = make myself a blanket. I decided on upsizing the Honey Baby Blanket by Anne Hanson. It was written for fingering weigh yarn to make it baby sized. I'm using worsted and thicker needles and making it for me, the big baby.
So far I've finished 1/2 a repeat of 3 full repeats of section A. I love it so far. See Baby You're a Rich Man on Ravelry for individual pictures. (I named it that b/c that was the only song with Baby in the title that made me smile and not gag.)

My clapotis!!!! I've gotten through 5 complete strait section repeats. (5 of between 15 and 18 with my estimations and weight measurements. That'll also depend on how long it is at a point.) I'm loving it so far.
Ravelry project link: Conteur de Fortune (Answer to why it's named that is this: The clapotis is French and it's in Alice Cullen yarn... She sees the future! Get it now? I know I'm lame...)

My scylla socks. I'm half way through the gusset on both. If I'd sit down and just work on them they'd probably be finished. But I've been workin gon my blanket and my clapotis. :D
Please ignore the grossness that is my foot in this picture. My feet took a beating running around barefoot this weekend.

UP NEXT is a section I'm calling:

In this section I ntend to talk about my great ideas for these great massive knitting projects that I'll probably never finish. OR that I'll stop and get stracted by mid-way. OR that I'll never get around to because something else will come along... Those types of things.
The above pile of yarn is a collection of yarn that I fully intend to create my own personal 'Alice in Wonderland' themed socks out of. I'm really excited to start, but I'm also trying to get some things off the needles before diving in. Stay tuned. That's plans for 6 pair so far. Lets see what happens...