Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Ronni & Lucy Sock Club

Every year I see a lot of people post about their "self-imposed sock clubs" using stash yarns and patterns they haven't gotten around to knitting. It's a great idea, in theory, you have a sock club that costs nothing and you use up you stash yarn. For me, it didn't work. I tried to randomize the hell out of that thing and it still didn't work, like AT ALL. I ended up with abandoned projects, frogged projects, and never bothered with projects.

So I had this even better idea.That I'd pick a yarn and pattern for Ronni and she'd do one for me each month and we'd use that as our sock club. That didn't work so much either. Because we're both too much of "at this very moment I want..." people. So I sat and I though about how to make this work and decided we needed to do it as a trade each month. I'll give her a skein from my stash, a pattern, and $10 worth of extras to match the theme, and she'll give me the a skein form her stash, a pattern, and $10 worth of extras. So we have a swap club that costs us next to nothing and is super fun!

Why will this work better than the previous attempts? Firstly, it's not "my" yarn, so it's brand new and exciting. Secondly, because it's not "my" yarn it's a complete surprise. I have no idea what will inspire her "kit" to me, and she has no idea what will inspire mine to hers. The only hints we'll have are to stare at each others stashes and speculate. Thirdly, we're both awesome and we will have a marriage of yarn and pattern that is new and themed and just awesome. Fourthly, in case thirdly didn't cover this, we're awesome, the idea is awesome and awesome is my word of the day. :D

So we were going to start in May, BUT we got too excited and ahead of ourselves. The first "swap" will take place 2 weeks from today. I've got mine for her planned, pretty much to completion (no details to be told here, it needs to be a surprise!). Every following "swap" will also occur on the third Tuesday of each month.

I'm treating this like a true sock club. I'll have a special binder for all the "sock club" patterns she gives me. Ronni said she's making us special project bags for these sock projects... It'll be awesome. (HA! I used it again!)

We just need to name our club... I'm leaning toward calling it "AWESOME!" and leaving it at that. BUT tomorrow is another day, and I'm sure by then I'll have a new favorite descriptor.

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