- I've been sick for like 2 months. I finally found a good doctor though and she gave me some different prescriptions and I've finally been feeling better. (AND it's SUCH a flipping relief.) I have a follow-up in December and I'm getting blood work done to check up on everything. I'm so relieved to have found a doctor that I like.
- I'm so fed up with my job and work in general. Although I told my boss about it and he seemed sympathetic and has made some attempts to be less of a dick so I guess that's good.. We'll see how it progresses.
- I've decided that I want to go back to school for my PhD. This is scary as all hell. I've been spending my waking hours that aren't working studying. I also knit a little bit, when I'm in the mood. ;)
- I saw my first 3D movie (Megamind) with Ronni and her munchkins
- I take the GREs Saturday November 27th. I may be insane for picking such a close date.
- Analogies are the bane of my existence. I don't know why they exist. It's absurd. I hate them. And everyone who tells me "Really? I love analogies." can S.T.F.U.
- My grandmother is sick again. She's always sick at this time of year, but we never know how bad it's going to be. And it seems to get worse each year. :(
- I'm about as ready for the "Holiday Season" as I am for my GREs. Actually, I'm LESS ready for the holidays. I'm not ready at all.
- Logan (and Jamie and Sophie and Mauricio -- not pictured) went to Harry Potter with me at midnight. I had A LOT (!!!) of fun. Logan wore my Gryffindor scarf and I wore my JUST FINISHED Ravenclaw scarf. Logan is the most awesome brother ever.
And here's what I've been knitting on:
My Ravenclaw Scarf
and it's finished!!!
Phoebus Apollo

Other than that "small" (albeit educational) hiccup, this sock is flying off the needles. I actually cast this on because I was trying Ronni's method of dealing with stress/trauma/craziness/etc. She casts on and knits a new pair of socks. Clearly, I've not been super into this sock, but I'm getting over my I HATE KNITTING SOCKS phase. Also, its such a pretty yarn.
Snapdragon Mittens

These will be SUPER cute when I finish them. :) I'm looking forward to my matching mittens and tam set.
Reunion Cowl

Getting this sucker joined in the round without twisted stitches was HARD. (430 stitches in lace weight.) It should be smooth(er) from there.
I also thought mindless knitting of stockinette in the round would be a good idea. It's lace weight though, so I've made like no progress. I also REALLY wanted my scarf done for the movie premier. So worth it. :)
Other pictures from the past couple of weeks:
I luff this post! :) You picked great photos for your update, and I love the way that sock is turning out.
I'm glad that you are feeling better and that you have also found a doctor you like. That is half the battle sometimes, so big cheer for her!
WOW! You have been knitting a bunch! I was on a roll this summer and all of a sudden when October hit I was ready to toss it aside. Looking at what 's on your needles has revved up my mojo....off to work on my novel and then back to knitting....
Can't wait to see those socks finished!
I wondered what had happened to you. I hadn't seen you on the forums on Ravelry. And, as always, I am the last to know anything.
I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better. Finding a doctor that you like and also who listenes to you is so rare and important. Trust me, I know. After years of being told it was just my depression, I finally had a doc take the time and diagnose me with Chronic Epstein-Barr.
How was Harry Potter? I'm going next weekend (had to work this weekend.) And those Snapdragon mitts - lovely!!!
Thanks to both Lisa and Amy for the well wishes. :)
And Amy you weren't last. They cracked down on internet usage at work and I was too exhausted to be on-line at home. I totally went from crazy rav poster to the bare minimum poster really fast.
And Harry Potter was much better than the previous movies. BUT a lot less was cut out, so that contributed. It was missing a few things that I think were important but ....
It's also LITERALLY half a movie. My brother isn't a big reader, and so he never actually read the books. But after seeing the movie he asked me for a copy of the book. :)
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