Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The new "2 Weeks" Plan

Alright... Ravelympics has came and went. I did rather well, but didn't accomplish nearly as much as I wanted to because of an illness and the usual time suck which is my job. I did manage to finish Mauricio's socks though. He even wore them to work that Monday and showed them off. =D I'll post more about those later though. No need to distract myself from my topic.

Ravelympics did however make me realize that I tend to work better on a deadline. These deadlines also make me FINISH things rather than continuously cast on projets only to frog them a year later. So I am instituting my own "2 Week Goals." Every two weeks I'll have a certain amount of knitting that I want to accomplish and I'll go for it. I'm hoping this will tame the cast-on-itis and the amount of WIPs that pile up, but we'll see. ;)

For this current period of two weeks (from Monday March 1 to Sunday March 14) I plan to finish Percy (freaking finally!) and the first of Ronni's BFF socks. I hope in the future sets of my 2 week plans to accomplish more than 1 1/2 WIPs, but I have a big project in progress for work that is sucking up this weeks time and the need to FOCUS on that stupid Percy shawl and get it done.

I'll have a status update this weekend into the Percy knitting to keep myself on task.

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